4 Free Email Templates to Help You Land Brand Photography Clients

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    I'm a brand photographer and strawberry lover living in  Charleston, South Carolina ☀️🍓 I help brand photographers streamline & scale their businesses.

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    4 Free Email Templates to Land Brand Photo Clients

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    Oftentimes, we fall into habits and routines that don’t actually feel that great for us. Sometimes we become so accustomed to certain habits that we don’t even realize they’ve become our norm! That’s where being intentional about our routines can have a huge impact on our lives. There is no better place to start than with solid a morning routine! Crafting a morning routine that feels good for you is a perfect place to start being intentional with your habits. In this post, I’m sharing my personal morning routine and a few of my favorite morning routine ideas to get you started!

    A great morning routine not only starts your day off right, it positively affects your mood and productivity all day long. A morning routine is an opportunity to check in with what kind of day you want to have. It allows you to get in touch with your intuition, emotions, and creativity, all before you’ve headed out the door. If you only have five minutes for a morning routine, you can still set yourself up for a mindful, focused day.  

    Creating your own morning routine will take some brainstorming and experimentation on your part, but lean into that! Your morning routine will always be a work in progress, changing with the seasons and your schedule. If you’re ready to craft a morning routine that you love, get started by reading my current routine and a few of my favorite ideas!

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    My morning routine

    On an ideal day, I wake up about 6:30am. Usually my thoughts are off to the races before I open my eyes, so I’ll do a 10-minute meditation in the Headspace app. Next, I grab my notebook and write a few pages of unfiltered thoughts. After writing, I throw on a 20 to 30-minute workout video on the Kait Hurley app (my favorite way to workout at home). Next, I’ll jump in the shower and listen to a podcast or music while I do my makeup and get ready. I’ll make a filling breakfast and read a book or write a bit more while I eat. Finally, I make my way into my home office about 9am.

    What does your ideal morning routine look like?

    Spend 10 or 15 minutes brainstorming what your ideal morning routine. What are you doing, where are you, how are you feeling, and who are you with? Don’t let your current routine or schedule hold you back here. Get all of your ideas down and be specific!

    Now, ask yourself the same questions above but about your current routine. What do you like about and what don’t you like? What would you change?

    Things to Keep in Mind While Creating Your Morning Routine

    If you read my routine and think you’ll never have the time, I feel you! My morning routine almost never looks exactly the same every day, but I do keep a couple of components consistent. First, I try my hardest not to get lost in my phone upon waking. I leave it in my drawer as often as possible. I also set time limits on apps I don’t need until work hours. Secondly, I choose 1 or 2 things I can do for shorter or longer periods, like meditation and writing. I may choose to do a 3-minute meditation v. a 10-minute one if I sleep a few extra minutes.

    Always keep in mind that your morning routine is supposed to make your mornings happy and calm! When creating your own routine, you have to be flexible and know that it may change slightly day-to-day. Your morning routine should offer you light, intentional structure. It’s meant to change if needed and work with your natural rhythms! Choose what feels good for you that day.

    Morning routine ideas

    Hide your phone: This is key for me in the morning. Once I take a peek at certain apps in my phone, my mind starts going everywhere but where I want it to. Keep your phone in a drawer, or set time limits on apps like Gmail and Instagram until after your morning routine is complete.

    Morning pages or journaling: Have you heard of the writing exercise morning pages from the book The Artist’s Way? Morning pages are simply 3 stream of conscious, unfiltered pages of writing first thing in the morning. This is a time commitment, but it feels so good to get thoughts on the page before I get out of bed. You could also use a journal prompt like, “how do I want to feel today?” and let the words flow!

    Meditate: Like journaling, meditating is a great way to clear your mind before you hop out of bed. I love to use the app Headspace. They have meditations for every mood under the sun!

    Dance it out: One song can set your mood for the entire day! Create a playlist of feel-good tunes to dance to while you get ready.

    Exercise: Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour in the morning, you can fit in a little movement. I don’t love exercising in the morning every single day, but usually I try to at least get in a quick stretch or yoga flow. Kait Hurley‘s Move + Meditate videos are great for simply opening your app and starting!

    Read: Grab a good book or magazine and read for a few minutes.

    Creative project: Work on one of your hobbies, or a hands-on project or craft. I have been very into making collages with magazine clippings lately, and if I have some extra time in the morning I’ll grab my scissors and start creating!

    Give your skin some love: Treat your skin to a steam, quick face mask, or toner spritz before putting on your makeup. A mini morning facial is both relaxing and a great treat for your skin!

    Make a special drink: I am not a coffee drinker, but I do love making a cup of tea in the morning. It’s a quiet, relaxing ritual that can feel perfect for those early morning hours.

    Involve your partner or spouse: If you like being around people in the morning, set up a coffee or breakfast date with your significant other. Chat about what you’re excited for that day. 

    Put your new morning routine into practice

    Now that you’ve brainstormed some morning routine ideas, start crafting! Look back at your notes about your ideal and current morning routines. What are 1-2 things you could add from your “ideal” list to your current list? Start small and experiment. Maybe try adding one new activity or habit to your current routine and see how it works for you. Try it for a week and do a check-in. Evaluate how it felt to add it into your routine and how it worked with your schedule.

    Let me know how it goes! I am always looking for morning routine ideas to add to my own routine and share with my community.


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