I'm a brand photographer living in Charleston, South Carolina, a lover of eating strawberries, and my obsession is teaching others how to live a life they love.

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As a branding photographer, my job is to create visual content that speaks directly to who my clients are and what their businesses are all about. When used in the best way, these headshots and brand images are used across my clients’ websites, social media feeds, newsletters, and physical marketing materials. I find that many of my clients are so excited about having their new branding photos taken, but need a little help getting started with how to use them because there are so many options! To get your ideas flowing, here are 10 ways to use your branding photos!

1. Update Your Headshot Across All of Your Platforms

You know that little icon next to all of your social media handles? Make it your smiling, beautiful face! Your followers and clients will instantly recognize your page more often and click to whatever awesome content you’re putting out.

2. Create a Consistent Social Media Look

Sharing photos that were taken specifically for your business will guarantee you a consistent social media look. In this world of visual marketing, consistency matters!

My client Chelsea does such a great job of mixing her photos from our shoot with quotes and selfies! We made sure her brand colors were present in our shoot, so her new photos easily mix in with her feed!

3. Liven Up Your Newsletter

Newsletter looking a little drab? Add a photo or two to jazz it up and increase interest in what you’re communicating to your email list subscribers.

4. Update your portfolio

One of the best ways to sell your services is to prove your experience. Use your branding photos to show off the recent work you are most proud of!

My client Julie of For Heaven Bakes has updated her 3D cake portfolio with high quality shots that show off what amazing work she creates!

5. Update the images on your website

Haven’t updated your website in a few months… a year… more than a year? I get it! Slap those new branding photos all over your website and it’ll feel totally modern and refreshed.

My client Erin’s new website for her personal training business Lingle Fitness looks KILLER with her new branding photos! 

6. Create new business cards & mailers

You can’t deny the power of snail mail and tangible marketing goods. I personally love to order business cards & postcards from Moo (they lets you put an infinite amount of photos on your cards!).

7. Freshen up your blog content with new photos

Still using stock photos with your blog content? Add some photos from your brand shoot and your blog will instantly feel more consistent and authentic.

My client (and fave women entrepreneur’s group EVER!) Hatch Tribe uses their brand images on their blog to complement the tactical advice and info they put out weekly.

8. Send your new photos to anyone requesting headshots for your speaking events & blog contributions

Were you embarrassed to send out that headshot you hadn’t updated in 5+ years?! Send your new, fresh headshot that speaks to who you truly are. You’ll feel confident and proud to send your headshot to anyone that asks for it!

9. Lay images and words

Many of my clients love to add words and quotes to their branding photos to communicate in different material!

My client Green Bag Designs is the master of this!

10. Do a happy dance!

Doesn’t it feel good to have brand photos that speak directly to you and your business are? Heck yeah it does! Do a little celebration that you invested in fresh, gorgeous visual content for your business and enjoy the rewards!

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work with me

I’m Abby, a brand photographer with an organizing obsession. 

Through my brand photography services and online education offerings, I aim to share your superpower with the people who need it most (with a dash of strategy and structure!).