I'm a brand photographer living in Charleston, South Carolina, a lover of eating strawberries, and my obsession is teaching others how to live a life they love.

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I’m back with another post in my Camera Confidence series! Today I’m sharing my photo editing process. I realized many of you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes once I capture your images. Editing is just as important as the shooting, and it takes a bit of time to make sure every image shines. Photo files never come out of the camera looking perfect, and they always require color balancing, contrast adjustments, and a little bit of retouching!

In this video of my photo editing process, I’ll show you how I sort through my images after a shoot, make overall adjustments, and retouch skin and distracting elements. Make sure to scroll to the bottom for the final before and afters!

I hope it’s helpful for you to see what happens to your images after a shoot! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!

My Photo Editing Process

Before and Afters!

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  1. You are crushing it with your newsletters, I love getting them!

  2. […] I learned so much from this video on photo editing! Thanks Abby! […]

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I’m Abby, a brand photographer with an organizing obsession. 

Through my brand photography services and online education offerings, I aim to share your superpower with the people who need it most (with a dash of strategy and structure!).