I'm a brand photographer living in Charleston, South Carolina, a lover of eating strawberries, and my obsession is teaching others how to live a life they love.

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Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m not creative or artistic enough to do that,” or “I don’t have time to do anything crafty or DIY.” Heck, as a photographer that went to art school I’ve even had those thoughts. However, I know deep down that we are all born creative and that we can all access our inner artists! One of my favorite creative hobbies is scrapbooking my photos and memories. In this post, I’m sharing 6 reasons to start scrapbooking and why it’s a creative project you are capable of doing!

Although I’ve loved creating scrapbooks since I was nine or ten, I didn’t realize the importance of scrapbooking in my life until much later. Eventually I realized that scrapbooking is my way of leaving my legacy behind in this world. My legacy is and will be many things, from being a kind, thoughtful friend, a forever teammate to my future husband, a loving daughter and sister, to helping others live a life they love with my photography and blog. Basically, scrapbooking is my artistic way of collecting all of these memories and experiences, and practicing gratitude for a life well-lived!

If scrapbooking sounds like something you want to start, I’m here to give you permission to release all of these excuses and fears about scrapbooking you may hold. With this in mind, it’s time to get creative, document your memories, and leave your legacy behind! Here are my favorite 6 reasons to start scrapbooking.

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6 Reasons to Start Scrapbooking

1. Scrapbooking can be as simple or involved as you want it to be

Undoubtedly, after a quick Google search on scrapbooking you’ll likely find yourself overwhelmed. Breathe a sigh of relief: you can create a scrapbook or photo album that fits your lifestyle and taste preferences. It’s important to realize that your style of scrapbooking can match your style and evolve with you. There are plenty of easy scrapbooking systems and supplies that allow you to keep it simple. Scroll down to the bottom of this post for the simple supplies I use and recommend!

2. Your photos deserve to be enjoyed off-screen

When is the last time you printed a photo? While I’m probably the minority on this, I miss the days of disposable cameras, dropping off film to the drug store, and waiting a whole week to see my photos. I love holding printed photos in my hands and storing them in a physical place. The thought of digging through an archive of digital photos gives me much more anxiety than the pile of photos! For me, memories in digital form feel lost and hard to locate. Of course there are so many benefits for digital storage, but I believe some of those digital memories need to be printed and enjoyed in tangible form.

3. Scrapbooking makes you happier

You’ve probably heard that practicing gratitude is scientifically proven to make you happier. Scrapbooking is like a gratitude list, just in a slightly different form. So, scrapbooking literally makes you happier! By gathering your favorite memories and into an album, you’ll feel so much gratitude for the experiences and people in your life. Furthermore, it will encourage you to make more of those exciting memories! Everytime I look at my scrapbooks, I can’t help but feeling happy.

4. You’ll learn new creative skills

Being that scrapbooking requires photography, organizing, writing, and honing your style, it’s a great way to learn new creative skills. Even if it feels overwhelming, know that you can just start. Start with what you do know, Google some things, and learn as you go. These new creative skills will come in handy in so many other areas of your life!

5. You’ll feel organized, accomplished, and creative

Imagine how you’ll feel when you finish your first scrapbook, knowing your family can look at this piece of art you created filled with your memories and experiences for years to come. You won’t have to worry about how your scrapbook compares to anyone else’s. That feeling of accomplishment, gratitude, and happiness for what you created and brought into the world will be uncomparable!

6. You’ll leave your legacy behind

Most important, scrapbooking allows you to leave your legacy behind. Without doubt, your collection of photos and memories will be an incredible look at the historical events, trends, and experiences that shaped your life. Scrapbooks are the closest thing we have to time travel. Give that gift to yourself and your future generations with scrapbooking!

Simple Scrapbooking Starter Kit

  1. A 12×12″ photo album gives you plenty of space for all of your favorite photos, memorabilia, and room for writing and captions
  2. The Project Life system allows you to slip photos and coordinated cards right into these clear pocket pages.
  3. I’m currently using this Project Life card kit for my annual scrapbook.
  4. Another super cute Project Life card kit.
  5. A photo and paper trimmer is a must-have scrapbooking supply.
  6. Adhesive squares make it so easy to stick photos and memorabilia to your patterned papers.
  7. Finally, an archival pen like this Micron is essential for safe, long-lasting journaling.


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I’m Abby, a brand photographer with an organizing obsession. 

Through my brand photography services and online education offerings, I aim to share your superpower with the people who need it most (with a dash of strategy and structure!).