I'm a brand photographer living in Charleston, South Carolina, a lover of eating strawberries, and my obsession is teaching others how to live a life they love.

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Hiring a branding photographer is one of the most important things you can do for your business. I wrote all about why your business needs custom photography earlier this year and I’m stickin’ to it! Over the years, I’ve learned that many of my clients had some major fears before hiring me! I’m going to dive into your top 5 fears about hiring a branding photographer, and give you little reassurance that it’s not so hard!

Are you intimidated by the process?

Choosing a photographer and planning a shoot can seem intimidating, time consuming, and confusing. I get it- it’s yet another decision you have to make! Carve some time out to find photographers in your area that you connect with. Check out their portfolios and make sure you like their editing style and subject matter. Narrow down a few that you have good vibes about, and reach out! You should not only be excited by their work, but also feel like you’d enjoy hanging out with them for 2+ hours on a shoot (plus all of the planning beforehand!).

A great photographer should be able to guide you through the shoot planning process. I have a whole category on my blog called Camera Confidence that is dedicated solely to helping you feel confident planning and executing a branding shoot for your business!

woman in printed skirt and a white blazer in front of a pink house with black shutters - hiring a branding photographer

Are you afraid of the cost?

As a fellow entrepreneur, I totally understand the fear of added business expenses. Every cent you spend means something for you and your business. Professional photographers have years of experience creating images. We spend hours in front of the computer editing images, marketing, and connecting with clients. We buy expensive equipment that allows us to hone our craft. As you’ll read later in this post, we also act as art directors. A lot more than pressing the shutter button goes into creating images, so we charge accordingly!

You may think you can save costs by using the camera on your iPhone (which rocks for Insta Stories and behind the scenes snaps!), but investing in professional photography will propel your business further than the small amount you spend. Depending on your business, you could probably make up the cost of the photography in only one or two sales or new clients!

Are you unsure of what you want?

Do you know you need photos but have no idea where to start or exactly what you want? Photographers are art directors and have the experience to creatively guide a shoot. We have an eye for details and storytelling, and we love translating ideas into photos! I personally love the collaboration part of the photography process. I spend time talking with my clients to get to know them, their businesses, and their long-term goals. I consider this an essential part of planning a shoot! Hiring a photographer is hiring a partner. You won’t have to figure it out all on your own!

Interior designer working on an inspiration mood board - hiring a branding photographer

Can you trust your chosen photographer?

Your business is your baby! Trust me, I feel you! Creating a brand is so personal, and sometimes it’s hard to give up control. I have totally felt this while outsourcing creative projects, like the design of my branding (designed by Saturday Studio!). When you can’t see the final product beforehand, you wonder if you’ll get the outcome you’re hoping for or if it aligns with your vision. I can’t tell you how amazing I’ve felt after trusting Saturday Studio to create projects for me. I CAN do graphic design, but it’s not my strength and I agonize over it. They always KILL it and do the job a million times better than I ever could! Let go of a little bit of control, and I guarantee you’ll be blown away by the results!

Are you waiting until everything is “perfect”?

I quoted Jenna Kutcher on this topic in my original Camera Confidence post, but I’m going to do it again because it’s so perfect!

“If you haven’t had updated headshots my friend, now is the time. You are worthy. You need to stop waiting to lose the next 10 pounds, stop waiting for your face to clear up, stop waiting for your eyebrows to get plucked and just SHOW UP. You are worthy of investing in headshots!”

When was the last time something in your life was perfect? Oh, never? Thought so! If you keep waiting for something to be perfect, you’ll stand still forever. You have to take decisive action in order to make moves. That means taking a breath, realizing that you’ve done your best to prepare, and show up to your best ability. Getting new photos DONE will feel so much better than having it on your to-do list forever!

woman wearing royal blue dress headshot - hiring a branding photographer

What are your fears about hiring a branding photographer?

What are YOUR fears surrounding photography? Are you still a little skeptical? Let me know in the comments and let’s chat!

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I’m Abby, a brand photographer with an organizing obsession. 

Through my brand photography services and online education offerings, I aim to share your superpower with the people who need it most (with a dash of strategy and structure!).