I'm a brand photographer living in Charleston, South Carolina, a lover of eating strawberries, and my obsession is teaching others how to live a life they love.

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I have a new post for you in my intentional organizing blog series! Today I am sharing a video on how I organize my work and personal schedules using Google Calendar. A digital calendar will never replace my paper planner, but it does allow me to be even more flexible with my scheduling.

Creating flexible structure for your life, whether you work for yourself or have a traditional work schedule, is key. Because I am a Type 1 personality through and through, I spent years thinking that to organize something was to make it perfect. Recently I have transformed the way I think about organization and know that it doesn’t mean rigidity and perfection. Rather, it can be a tool to completely design your life to your liking (and a good calendar system helps!). Within structure I’ve found freedom and more time for the things I love! If you want to read more on my personal story with organization and perfectionism, head here.

I created a 10-minute video for you on how I organize my work and personal schedules using Google Calendar. Watch to see how I break down how I create a structure for my ideal days and weeks, what calendar categories I use, and a few of my favorite ways I customize my calendar and make it work for my life.

I know many of you already use this tool, but I always think it’s fun to compare notes with those that love the same tools you do! If you have any favorite tips for organizing your schedules, I would LOVE to hear about them in the comments!


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I’m Abby, a brand photographer with an organizing obsession. 

Through my brand photography services and online education offerings, I aim to share your superpower with the people who need it most (with a dash of strategy and structure!).